TFT Shield for Arduino Uno - 2.4 inch

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1x TFT Shield for Arduino Uno (2.4 inch)

Product Description
This board have update to Rev2.0 and white color, its cancel the 16bit mode and IRQ support. The CS connect to GND. So the code need modified, we have update to Demo code.

The TFT01 LCD module is work in 3.3V voltage level and it’s not compatible with Arduino pins , so we make a shield for Arduino. Now user can directly plug the TFT01 in the shield and stand on the Arduino board.

The TFT01 shield support 8 bit mode, you can use 2.4? with it . If you use the 8 bit mode , you can use the SD card or Touch in the TFT01 either .

Schematic v2.0
V2.0 Demo Code

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