IC 74HC595
Harga Rp. 20.000 (kontak untuk ketersediaan produk) * harga diluar ongkos kirim Isi Paket: 4 (empat) buah IC 74HC595 Shift Register Keterangan selengkapnya / pemesanan, kunjungi: http://www.vcc2gnd.com/2014/01/74HC595-Shift-Register.html The 74HC595 devices contain an 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register that feeds an 8-bit D-type storage register. The storage register has parallel 3-state outputs. Separate clocks are provided for both the shift and storage register. The shift register has a direct overriding clear ( SRCLR ) input, serial ( SER ) input, and serial outputs for cascading. When the output-enable ( OE ) input is high, the outputs are in the high-impedance state.