LCD TFT 2.4 inch 240x320 Touch Screen

Harga Rp. 250.000 (kontak lebih dahulu untuk cek stock)
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Isi Paket
1 LCD TFT 2.4" 240x320

Includes the SD card slot and touch panel function.
Arduino supported, can be driven by Arduino, AVR, PIC, STM32 and most 8080 16bits MCUs.
Includes the backpack PCB, 3.3-5V power regularing circuit.
Supported by UTFT library except 7.0 is not yet fully tested. And some codes need to modify further due to some reasons, for example in the touch panel demo code, display on X+ and X- are mirror, so when you draw on left it comes to right, this changes on code will need to do it by yourself.

Arduino Converter Shield
TFT01 Arduino shield and TFT01 Arduino MEGA shield (recommand), you can directly plug the TFT01 LCD module in the shield and stand on the Arduino board.

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